Friday, 8 March 2013

Muller Ice Cream TV/cinema adverts


Aim of the campaigns

The aim of this campaign is to impress the consumers with innovative flavours, and raise the consumers interest. One TV and one cinema advert will launch in the summer.
Advert one
The first cinema advert aims to promote sales in the cinema, since the advert is being shown in the cinema this is relevant and will build association between cinema and muller ice cream. If ice cream is seen as an alternative to popcorn this could help to boost sales.
Channel : Cinema

Target audience:

Age: 18 to 24
Gender: Female and Male

Occupation: Full Time Students
Features of Muller Ice cream: Fun to eat with special/unique favours

Student Lifestyle: 92% visit the cinema each month and annual Spend £820 on food.
The research shows that people within this age group are the most frequent cinema visiters. (The cinema exhibitors association limited, no date)
With a combined spending power of more than £10 billion and an average student spending over £5,000 each year the student market can be a highly lucrative one. Students are certainly the most profitable group of 18-24 year olds. (Marketing Minefield, no date)
Film selection:
Younger people have different tastes from older people.(David Cox, 2012) In other words, they will choose different films to watch. Therefore, the advert will be shown before the film which targets younger audience. For example, twilight and  Hangover.
Promotional Plan:
The challenge is that when the audiences watch the advert, they are not likely to go to the cinema shop to buy the ice cream because they have already sat down.   And after a whole long film, they may forget the advert. Thus, some free samples of Muller crunch ice cream will be handed out by the entrance of the cinema after the film.
Colours of the advert: To match the Cinema theme, the colour will be natural. such as the picture below shows

The story for the advert is cinema themed, it is a playful narrative based around cinema snacks, the advert is to highlight the novelty of popcorn icecream, and also positions it alongside the most popular cinema snack popcorn. Convincing the audience that it is a better alternative.

Advert two

The aim of this TV advert is to relate to students as it is set in a school, however the advert also has wider appeal because the underlying concept is one of escapism from the mundane, through an innovative flavour of ice cream.

Target Audience:

Age : 25 to 34

Occupation: People who have just finished education and have started a new career.

Gender : Female and Male

The target audience for the muller TV advert is different to the advert which will show on the cinema screen. Some studys show that people who are aged 25 to 34 spent around 28 hours per week watching TV. This is a little longer than people who aged 18 to 24. (Marketing Charts, 2013)

Between the age 25 to 34, individualis are in range of different lifestages. It is a time when the line between the values of being young and the values of being parents are blurred.

Most people within this age group are in the begining of the career, and the pressure from jobs and life is high. The message behind the advert is that ' Muller will help you to escape the boring and stressful life, have a ice cream and relax!

Colour of the advert:  Dull at start Bright Summer colours at the end

Storyboard: The lecturer is teaching maths in an uninspiring way, colours are drab and boring. Students are asleep, a student sneakily tries the new tropical flavour icecream and is transported to a trpical island where the lecture on surfing techinique is far more lively and interesting.


The advert will be shown on BBC three, BBC Three is targeted at 16-34 year olds (which coverd our target auidence). Those 16-34 year-olds who view BBC Three watch, on average, for longer per week than the average viewer of the channel (2h 02m vs. 1h 43m)(BBC, 2011)
The cinema exhibitors association limited. (no date) UK cinema - frequency of cinema visit by age 2007.[online] Available from : [Accessed 4th March 2013]
Marketing Minefield. (no date) Student Marketing – Targeting the Student Market in general..[online] Available from :  [Accessed 4th March 2013]
David Cox. (2012) How older viewers are rescuing cinema. The guardian.[online] Available from : [Accessed 5th March 2013]
Marketing Charts. (2013) Are Young People Watching Less TV?.[online] Available from : [Accessed 5th March 2013]

BBC. (2011) BBC Audience Information.?[online] Available from[Accessed 5th March 2013]