Friday 11 January 2013

Dreaming of Shanghai


Shanghai is the most populous city in China, and the largest in the world (city proper by population). Its population recorded at over 23 million in 2010. It is an International hub of commerce, fashion, culture, architecture and technology. The Shanghai container port is the busiest in the world. (Wikipedia, no date).

Sports in shanghai

If you are a sports student or just love to watch there are plenty of sporty opportunities, which are often cheaper than here in the UK, which is great for a tight student budget! 

Shanghai is home to several professional soccer teams, such as Shanghai Shenhua of the Chinese super league, one of the China;s most popular and successful. Many famous football teams come to Shanghai play promotional matches with local teams, such as Manchester United and Real Madrid.

The Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association developed Yao Ming before he entered the National Basketball Association (NBA). In 2012,  NBA champion Miami Heat came to Shanghai and played a game against the Los Angeles Clippers.  NBA also became the US's first professional sports association to play games in China.(Global Times, 2012)

Beginning in 2004, Shanghai started hosting the Chinese Grand Prix, one round of the Formula One World Championship. The race was staged at the Shanghai International Circuit. In 2010, Shanghai also became the host city of German Touring Car Masters (DTM), which raced in a street circuit in Pudong.

Other Sports:

Shanghai also holds the Shanghai Masters tennis tournament, and the BMW Masters and WGC-HSBC Champions golf tournaments.


If you’re looking for a green refuge from Shanghai’s concrete jungle, there are plenty of parks to recharge your batteries in. Probably the most famous park is People’s Square Park in Downtown Shanghai it was formally a racetrack and is close to the former French Concession of Shanghai and another famous park Fuxing park. Fuxing park has French-style gardens and is surrounded by high end bars and cafes so is create for coffee breaks and leisurely strolls. For more active leisure Shanghai Disneyland  is scheduled to open in December 2015. The Project was approved by the government on 4 November 2009 and It is currently under construction. A $4.4 billion theme park and resort in Pudong will have a castle that will be the biggest among Disney's resorts. (Huffinton Post,2013)
Shanghai was the cultural and economic center of East Asia for the first half of the twentieth century  Because of this it has always been seen as modern, having the first motor cars and train tracks, it has always been famous for its night-life and glamour which is celebrated in many pieces of music and literature. hile the official language of china in Mandarin, Shanghainese is widely spoken throughout the city and is unintelligible with mandarin Chinese, there are two dialects of Shanghainese, one coming from a suzhou dialect west of the city and one from Ningbo area in the east, however the differences between these two are not major. It also contains words influenced by European languages.

Tourist attractions and Architecture
Perhaps one of the most romantic things to do in Shanghai is to see the sights, a trip to the bund at night-time offers fantastic views, it is also possible to travel to the top of shanghai’s tallest building and walk across the glass floored viewpoint

Food in Shanghai
Shanghai has a vast variety of local and international food, as food is at the heart of Chinese culture, and eating our in the city is a wonderful experience.

Welcome to Shanghai


Wikipedia (no date). Shanghai [Online] Available from:[Accessed 10th January 2013]

Global Times.(2012) NBA sends Heat and Clippers to play in Shanghai. Global Times.[Online] Available from:[Accessed 11th January 2013]
Huffinton Post. (2013) Shanghai Disneyland to open end of 2015. [online]
Available from:[Accessed 11th January 2013]

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